Sunday 5 November 2017

Big Draw 2017 - Animated Paintings.

Before half term the Art department created a week of events as part of the international 'Big Draw' campaign to get everyone drawing. Click here to find out about the Big Draw Campaign.
Throughout the week, all art students had the opportunity to draw from models in a setting based on a famous painting, including the Pre-Raphaelites and Pop Art. There were also after-school workshops in animation, life drawing and an evening drawing event which hosted over 70 people from the school and local community.

We would like to thank everyone who took part and made the Big Draw such a success, and especially those students and staff who came and modelled for us. Here's a behind the scenes look at the week.

Friday Evening

The Art teachers make the five sets, based on these famous artists-Frida Kahlo, Pop Art, Pre Raephelite, Magritte and Degas.

Monday Evening

Signals Animation came in to introduce and teach some of the year 7 and 8 students how to make a stop frame animation. Victoria helped them to first create story boards before transforming their ideas into the animation below.

Wednesday Evening

Manco and Carla from the Art Model Collective came from London to pose as pre-raphelites. The 2 hour life drawing was a real success, enjoyed by sixth form art students and local artists. 

 Thursday Evening-Late Night Opening-Community Big Draw.

Teachers and friends stepped forward as our models for our late night drawing sessions with amazing performances by the Degas dancers and atmospheric music play list created by Mrs White. The part drawing event part performance was greatly enjoyed by all who attended.

 A full Gallery of images can be viewed on our main school website click here to view- Big Draw Photos.