A day long event when 400 students and staff kicked off their shoes and created over 60 metres of dynamic drawings on the theme of 'Its Our World'.
World music and atmospheric lighting in the main school hall helped to create 'drawing zones'. Three large circles of paper provided central worlds from which lengths of paper were rolled out across the floor and even up the walls. Each length had either the theme of plastic throwaway objects which are harmful to the environment; or natural forms, leaves and flowers collected from around our school. All art classes were merged throughout the day with, at times, ninety students working within the space.
The opportunity to take drawing outside of a usual class room environment challenged classes to build on their previous practice of observational drawing. The success of this communal event is evident not only in the high standard of the participants' drawings but also in their obvious enjoyment of the task. The students' individual focus and absorption resulted in truly self guided work. The art teachers could also just join in and draw.
The opportunity to take drawing outside of a usual class room environment challenged classes to build on their previous practice of observational drawing. The success of this communal event is evident not only in the high standard of the participants' drawings but also in their obvious enjoyment of the task. The students' individual focus and absorption resulted in truly self guided work. The art teachers could also just join in and draw.
The Year 12 Art students became 'BIG DRAW Creatives' for the day and worked tirelessly, either on their own drawings, or to help other younger students. In particular they used black shoe polish as a drawing medium to break up the space and connect sections of smaller objects.
The BIG DRAW Creatives.