Thursday, 22 October 2015

Big Draw Week

Every day last week each of the timetabled art classes headed for the school hall to work together with as many as 90 students filling the space. They entered a darkened space and sat on chairs placed around four stunning theatre sets. Each set was designed and put together by the art teachers to reflect the themes of these classic children’s stories-Harry potter, The Secret Garden, Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland.

Following a brief introduction about the Big Draw event the stage door opened to reveal four live ‘characters’ who then positioned themselves to be a model in each of the sets. The models (from all year groups) had volunteered to dress up as a character of their choice and sit in costume whilst the classes drew them. Over 80 students throughout the week sat as models and took their role very seriously, despite being told they could move if they need to.

To capture a portrait or sketch the objects on the set provided participants with a unique opportunity. They worked using black biros to drawing to fill one page of a collaborative book. The front covers of which had
been beautifully illustrated by GCSE and 6th Form students. The atmosphere was that of pure concentration maintained with the use of music carefully chosen from film scores.he theatre lighting created drama and provided a challenge for sixth form photography classes. Many teachers also took the time to come in and enjoy the drawing experience including Mr Locke.

The legacy of the Leventhorpe Big Draw week is 90 incredible Big Draw books, full of mixed age and ability drawings. The work is fresh, delicate, original and funny. The week- long event was a huge success for all those who took part.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Every Drawing Tells a Story.

The Leventhorpe Big Draw event is running for a whole week and has been planned by the art department teachers to celebrate the visual images conjured up in classic children's stories. The art rooms are full of story related objects and all year groups have been drawing, creating and imagining the objects, places and characters found in books.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Year 12 exam work in progress.

I tentatively share this work as they are early studies from two of our AS students. Their use and exploration of media leads the investigations. The fresh attention to detail gives a pure and beautiful quality to the sketches The charcoal birds relate to the theme of migration.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Embelish and Adorn

Cultures from across the globe have become the starting point for my year 10's next project. Students have been selecting the rich visual resources found in non western cultures. They have  been researching the way in which celebrations and customs from various cultures change their appearance to reflect a belief or tradition.

The final piece of this unit of work will be to create a clay relief which is an individual interpretation of a students chosen culture. It will have an emphasis on pattern, colour and decoration.

This weeks task involved working in teams towards a common purpose- to work on a model to paint and style them before taking a photograph of the results. They were given a jumbled box of fabric, decorative objects, images, face paints and a camera. The students worked with real maturity they were all immediately engaged and worked hard within a time frame to produce these stunning results.  

Day of the dead.

Asian Henna

Venetian Carnival

Venetian Carnival