Tuesday 12 November 2013

TEA and Tempest

These headdresses were made by Ms Pickering and members of the Year 10 props club for a performance of The Tempest.


As you can see I couldn't resist trying them on. The images have been manipulated using the online photo editing tool 'pic monkey'. It's a free and fast way of reflecting a theme. 
It was an outstanding performance in Harlow that evening. Congratulations to all those involved.

The campaign for drawing and two other societies ran a conference at the National Gallery on Saturday. It was a celebration of creative learning and teaching and I spent the day listening to inspiring lectures and getting involved in workshops. The speakers ranged from Government Ministers to Ofsted inspectors, architects and art educators. 

TEA stands for drawing as thinking, expression and action.

When do we draw and why?

It's a complicated and fascinating tool and I fully back this campaign set up to raise awareness of the power of drawing as an intellectual activity.
I now have a notebook full of quotes, notes and drawings and my mind is still buzzing with plans and ideas.


  1. they really captured the theme and i love the expressive designs edited on to the photos


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