Tuesday 28 January 2014

Maria's Sketchbook.

A sneaky peek inside the creative process - the workings of one of our A2 students. 

These pages show the progression of Maria's ideas. The double A3 pages begin with a mind map and include media explorations, artists influence and development of ideas- resulting in a couple of large scale paintings (although these may not be the conclusion). Some elements remind me of a particular Feature Film and various TV advertising campaigns. An amazing and inspiring section of work. 

The autobiographical nature of Maria's work is an element intrinsic to how many artists work. It is often the drive behind ideas and processes and what makes peeping in a working sketchbook so undeniably intriguing. It also means that this work is precious and on many levels will hold more than the value of an assessed grade. 

  The resulting large scale final paintings.


  1. This has really inspired me to make my own sketchbook at home to just do a little work of art in every day.

    1. Fantastic. It would be great to hear how you get on. Do you think you may have a theme to your work? You may want to have a look on pinterest for more ideas.

  2. This has really inspired me too! Great work! It is a work of art

  3. Replies
    1. Perhaps you would like to have a go at making one that you could wear? You may want to have a look at the costume designs used in The Lion King? Lion and tiger face paintings are also an interesting starting point.- Have a go but make sure you photograph the results!

  4. I think these are looking really good. Every page is filled with really good art work and I think it is really nice to look at.

  5. wow! I like how detailed these sketches are! I really surreal aspect of the paintings with animal heads on human bodies.


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